Thursday, September 3, 2015

Business Opens Clothing Store

Want to open a store Clothes? What should be prepared. Raw materials, supporting property, systems, locations, or capitalization? If you are serious about opening a store Clothes, may have a bit of preparation and research. This research is useful to ascertain whether Clothing store you will be able to survive and not just a mere profit.

The difference between Online and Offline Clothing Store

So what is the difference between online and offline Clothing store. Before discussing the differences between the two, let's discuss the similarities first. Clothes in the shop online, there are raw materials (Clothes), location, place, payment systems, and marketing. Clothing stores as well as offline. However, in the various equations are also differences, including the following.
Online Clothing Store

Clothing shop online is almost no difference with conventional Clothing store. Clothes in the shop online, the preparation that must be done is actually only two kinds of raw materials as well as the location. However, in the Clothing store online, there are other factors that you must meet. These factors include the following.

1. Stand Clothing Store Online
For the problem of outlets, online Clothing stores actually do not need a place. This place will be filled in an online gallery. You have to put the photos and images The clothes will be sold at this online Clothing store on the website.

2. Location Online Clothing Store
Similar to conventional Clothing stores, Clothing stores online also requires a strategic location. So how is it location? In line with offline Clothing stores, look crowded locations. Crowded locations on the Internet does not require a high cost. This is different from offline Clothing store. Examples crowded Clothing store locations on the Internet as young children's forums or sites selling free widely available.

3. System Online Clothing Store
To a system problem, of course Apparel online store will have different patterns with store Clothing offline. Pattern face to face will be found in Apparel stores offline. However, the system that occurred at the store Clothes shopping online is a system chart pattern between the messages. If you do not want to bother with what system will be used, free buying and selling sites are widely spread on the internet that you can use.

4. Place Online Clothing Store
At the beginning explained if the store does not require Clothing online location. Clothing shop online but also takes place. Different understanding between location and space. If the location, choose a crowded location. If the place, you can use a blog or website a lot of free material available on the internet. Confused or do not have the ability to implement such a system? Please register at trading site for free. Suppose in Tokobagus, trade, or FJB Kaskus.

5. Marketing Online Clothing Store
Then what about marketing? Easy. You have to advertise limited capital can utilize free advertising sites on the Internet. Fond of using social media, why not utilize it? Facebook and Twitter is a powerful tool to market the merchandise. Even now social media is often used as a marketing tool and this is also true for Apparel shop online.
Clothing Store Offline

So, what's the difference with Clothes shop offline? Clothing store Clothing store offline is outside the network alias, which stores found in many shopping venues.

1. Clothing Store Locations
Clothing store locations offline usually in the 'land' as in markets, shopping centers or malls. But for offline Clothing stores, the location used is a blog or a website created specifically for selling Clothing store. Among the locations both have in common, namely selling in crowded locations. Crowded in the sense that a lot of people who get together and meet there. Clothing stores offline are usually in the markets and shopping centers, while the Clothing shop online at online trading site, a forum, or even in social networks (Facebook).

2. Payment Systems Clothing Store
The payment system in offline Clothing stores are usually in cash or cash. However, offline Clothing stores also accept credit and installment system. Clothing shop online using cash system, but by way of transfer to the account of the owner of the shop Clothes. Indeed for Apparel shop online often suspicion between the consumer and store owner Clothes. However, if both mutual trust, the suspicion will not be a problem.

3. Clothing Store Delivery System
Clothing store delivery system offline is by way of direct or after the goods are paid for, can then be taken home. But for Apparel shop online, it will be very different. Once consumers order goods (Apparel) then the next step is to pay the freight (tranfers). Goods will not be able to immediately take home because they have to be sent in advance via courier service. Goods are sent will take depend distance and location of the consumer.

4. Difference Price Clothing Store
The price difference will be found between the two. Why? If you need a place offline Clothing stores, employees, and possibly the cost of rent, whereas for Apparel online store may be all it takes is raw material. Therefore, there will be a hefty margin between Apparel Online and offline stores.

Clothing shop online usually be cheaper than the store Clothing offline. Clothing shop online but requires shipping. It is not found in Clothing store offline, unless there are reservations from out of town.

Clothing Store T-shirt with a touch of Digital Design

Clothing stores not only the type of emerging discussed, the design of the shirt itself is also quite interesting to discuss. Now many, Clothing stores that sell a variety of t-shirts with a touch of digital design. You will find it in some big cities such as Bandung, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Clothing stores are usually managed by young people which also makes themselves as a walking advertisement alias promote their own wares.

Some are set up shop Apparel t-shirt is a form of mere hobby. There is also what makes the store Apparel T-shirt as a means to deepen the knowledge already gained in college. There is also what makes the store Apparel T-shirt as a hangout for friends who want to learn to design Apparel T-shirt with a touch of digital design.

Whatever the intention invested in the establishment of the store with a touch of digital design, the fact that the design Apparel shirt more diverse and more interesting to watch. Apparel shirt vibrant display and so unsightly make it a trend among young people. Sometimes, there are also parents who participated wearing this fashionable shirt. See opportunities increasingly open, enthusiasts Apparel shirt shop business lines like this to be booming.
Kaos marketing with Digital Designs

The price of a shirt is offered by the seller with a touch of digital design is quite varied. There were $10-$15 depends on the exclusivity of a design. If you already discounted, Clothes T-shirt could cost only $5-$7. Actually, the store has a digital shirt Clothing store rival Apparel T-shirt screen printing. However, the color and the design looks neater make a lot of people bought the shirt Apparel digital design.

Indeed shirt with digital design that is less able to compete for market segmentation requires a very cheap price, for example for Apparel t-shirts that were distributed during the campaign season. However, do not rule out the possibility that the businessman had Apparel shirt store digital cooperate or may also dijalur Apparel T-shirt screen printing business.

With so many elections the local level, businesses increasingly uphill Apparel T-shirt. The lively activities of young people could become a promotional event shirt Apparel digital store. If necessary, to increase sales, a store Clothes to be working with a lot of other similar businesses to organize a design contest Apparel T-shirt with a hefty reward.

T-shirt design will then be printed and sold denagn how auctioned. If it can hook the government side, the seller can ask ourselves the exhibition organized by the government in supporting the small and medium entrepreneurs. The design theme of regionalism by accentuating motifs of batik or songket and other traditional fabrics can also attract many people buy Apparel T-shirt with this digital design touches.

Sponsoring activities school children or training free of charge to young people could also boost the prestige of a Clothing store. In addition, it could also give a special gift to the buyer by a certain amount. These gifts may attract buyers as well.

If the capital is still possible, store T-shirts can be expanded to make other business units such as the manufacture mug with a touch of digital design. This beautiful mug can also be used as a gift. Digital image design mug is not too different from designing an image on t-shirts Apparel is certainly not going to make the business shirt Clothing store becomes impaired.
Interior Design Store

Clothing store design with a touch of digital design does not have to be very lively. Clothing store if it is intended for segments of Apparel shirt male, preferably selected color is the color a bit dark or neutral colors just like beige, white, gray. What is needed is a display example Apparel T-shirt design and price.

But, if it is aiming for segmentation of all people, the interior design should be able to demonstrate that the store Apparel t-shirts are not just for the men. The pictures are too macho should not be too dominant. Remain neutral wall color alone.

Then, the layout of the goods was structured so that the visible boundary where Apparel T-shirts for men, for women, for children. To better reach a wider market segmentation, Clothes shop T-shirts with the digital design can also aiming among adults in their 40s upwards both for mothers and for fathers.

To appear more go green, it helps this store to make the design theme of a beautiful flower garden. Ceiling hangers store can be fabrics, especially for the display portion Apparel T-shirts for children and women. Can also created a small garden complete with fountain water flow made with simple.

Games bamboo and water wheel was enough to make the atmosphere of the store look more natural and refreshing. Place two pieces of banggu rather long measuring 2-3 meters as a place to rest. On the side of the consumer book Apparel T-shirt design can be put pictures of landscapes with waterfalls mengaliran millions of cubic feet of water that is colored clear. This scenic waterfall backdrop bluish and greenish color of foliage. This would in turn make the consumer feel at home.

To complement these stores can also be opened food outlets and selling books for families that would hold other food businesses. Thus this partnership will add a festive Apparel T-shirt business. Especially if you have a place large enough. Surely Clothes shop T-shirts with a touch of digital design this could be a new recreation area.

Creating Digital Design for Apparel T-Shirt Store

Prior engaged in business with a T-shirt store this digital design touches, the shirt Clothing store owner should be someone who knows a little more about how to design a shirt Apparel and knows how to get the material Clothing T-shirt from cheap to very expensive. Even less understand it, at least the shirt Apparel digital shopkeepers have the confidence that can be counted on to run the business of the shirt Clothing store.

A touch of digital design is done after a design is created manually beforehand. This manual touch to get the natural touch of the power of art to be displayed in the Apparel T-shirt. Digital touch will enrich the results of the manual touch. Clothes shop T-shirt design that implements a dual system like this will always be jujukan loyal buyers.

The displayed image will look very clear. To get the maximum results can be using Corel Draw. Variety in Corel Draw actually make Apparel T-shirts designers are free to determine the direction of the design. This is one of the positive effects of technological development.

If the price of banner with digital design per meter is only $2-$3, then the price could shirts capital equivalent to the price meter banner. The price could certainly change. Thus, one can imagine the advantages that can be scooped by the owner of a shop shirt Apparel digital. The main capital Apparel shop owners is the ability to design that follows the times.

Business Opens Clothing Store Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Admin