Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Become A Wholesale Agent

Buy goods at wholesale may be cheaper than buying in stores such as mini market. Typically, the buy in wholesale, traders or retailers. Wholesale agents familiar to the general public which sell grocery items for retail purposes (daily).

However, as the guidance of the times, given that many companies deliberately make wholesale with the concept of one stop shopping as Depo initiated the building of the house. You choose your own shop and building materials for houses and goods delivered to the house and ready to be installed. For example, you order toilet seat, sink, or other items. Depo building can find a "handyman" to put all the goods you ordered.

Then, what if you yourself are suddenly in the business intends to become a wholesaler. The answer is up to you, what would you sell. Whether the goods are perishable such as food or items that are not easily damaged (dull) aka durable as the needs of the household. Thus, consumers will easily be disappointed if suddenly the goods he ordered or will he bought is not available in your grocery. Reputation wholesale dealer that you manage to go down.

Grid Become an Agent Wholesale

Here's a brief grating being an agent wholesaler. The main points in this lattice will be discussed in more detail in the discussion on the bottom.

Perform market research first. Where are you going to buy goods.

Ask the person in charge of suppliers (providers) goods to wholesalers. Is unsold goods can be exchanged.

How the payment system is cash, credit or bank giro.

Plan carefully, place (location), and the access to the buyer (customer).

Buyers are very sensitive to price. You as the owner and manager of wholesale agent must know the price of goods at wholesalers competitors who sell similar goods. Therefore, buyers will continue comparing prices.

Especially for goods of daily needs. Wholesale sometimes have to be ready "owed" by the customer. Wholesale agents addressing how consumers want to owe, because consumers are sometimes too active traders and buyers in the wholesale.

Sometimes, there are price differences on certain types of goods. Not for other goods. So, if consumers get the price of goods at the item goes up, it would be easy to conclude other goods also rose. But not necessarily. But, unfortunately the economic system in Indonesia is often not siding with the people. For example, the price of chili soar, then the other prices will also automatically go up.

Wholesale agents that often we find sometimes place slovenly, unkempt, a lot of dust. Make wholesale net with integrated services.

Ideally, wholesale agents today online 24 Hours, around, and one stop shopping. Roving within the meaning prepare specialized personnel who serve the message shuttle. As for the online 24-hour, surely to be a web-based which in this case need special skills. 

Steps Become an Agent Wholesale

Being a wholesaler agent is a promising venture but require initial capital in large enough quantities. Imagine the goods sold in retail stores; where retailers get it, how many hands had gone through, and how long the goods stored in the warehouse. A series of buying and selling and distribution of these goods involves agents wholesalers.

If done professionally and efficiently, becoming wholesaler agent can be a business choice that promises substantial profits. But what should be done to pioneer the wholesale business? Consider the following steps:

1. Determine the type of product

The first thing to do before starting a business course is to determine the type of product to be sold. Many types of products that can be sold on a wholesale basis, ranging from clothing to stationery. To choose the right type of product, do market research. The functions of market research is to find out what products are the most high demand. Note also competition in selling the product, how many competitors there are and how competition between them.

If you already know the type of products to sell, find the right supplier. Supplier for wholesalers of course is a direct manufacturer of the goods. If you want to sell a product is imported products, the supplier is required is an importer. Always remember to buy merchandise at low prices and sell at high prices. This strategy can be done by purchasing huge quantities and then resell it for a smaller amount. It is important for you to maintain good relations with suppliers. Suppliers must be convinced that working together with you to his advantage.

2. Determine customers

The parties that usually require goods in large quantities are large retailers and industry. Make a list of parties that might be into potential customers. Sort them according to the volume of products that roughly they would buy. If you have difficulty in making the list, ask for help from friends or relatives that are likely to understand this.

Furthermore, do approach to those whose names are written in the list. All you have to do is promote your wholesale products so that they are interested in buying. Reassure them that you buy at the grocery store is much more favorable than in other grocery stores. You can also make an online campaign, with a Web site of your grocery store. A marketing strategy has been quite successful in the digital era as it is now.

3. Set the warehouse and distribution

To keep the product, you need a warehouse that is the right size. The warehouse can rent or buy, depending on capital and various other considerations. Do not forget that you need to insure a building and its contents. Choose a warehouse that is located easily accessible and close to the customer so that shipping costs can be minimized. Warehouse should also be equipped with a goods truck loading and unloading facilities.

Control and keep an eye on the inventory of products in the warehouse. You have to really know and remember what's new products come into the warehouse, and what's coming out. Neat administrative records is absolutely necessary in this case. if capital is insufficient, you can equip products with barcode and use software applications to control inventory.

Become an Agent Wholesale tips: Determine Selling Price

So that your business is successful, the necessary understanding in setting the right price, as well as in setting wholesale prices. The sale price must be accompanied by the calculation of the costs incurred during the process of distribution or production. Here's how to determine wholesale prices:

1. Determine the distribution costs

The process of ordering, distributing, to deliver the goods from the supplier to the warehouse you certainly require no small cost. Likewise with the sales process (delivery of goods to customers). Each piece rupiah spent for the distribution activities are distribution costs. To determine the price based on the cost of distribution, calculate the total amount of the fee for the number of products supplied. This is the cost per product.

2. Determine the cost of labor

Of course your wholesale business will not work without the workers should be paid wages and social security. Calculate the total cost of labor and then divide the result by the number of existing products. Then you will get the labor cost per product. Add the cost of production and labor costs. That's the minimum selling price of your products (without profit).

3. Determine the profit margin

Obviously the business conducted for profit. In determining the profit margin, you can not arbitrarily. Consideration of market conditions, customer purchasing power, and the selling price of your competitors.

That information around the business into a wholesale agent. Hope it is useful!

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